Tuesday, 10 May 2011


Recruitment is the process of identifying and hiring the best-qualified candidate for a job vacancy. Its aim is to obtain a pool of suitable candidates for vacant posts and to use and be seen to use a fair process.  Today, recruitment is also possible online. There are many websites created to help people looking for jobs. One of the most popular recruitment websites in the Great Britain is www.fish4jobs.co.uk.
                                                    (Picture taken from http://www.channel4sales.com/advertising/sponsorship/previous_sponsors)

The website is very eye-catching, by the domination of a bright, orange colour that attracts more people. It has been made in a very attractive, modern and creative way.

Fish4jobs.co.uk is also easy to use. The main ‘’jobs browser’’ was made bigger and situated at the top of the front page. Using it is very simple, as the only required information is: keywords e.g. sales assistant and location of where you wish to work. Under the main browser, there are two smaller searching tools which allow people to look for jobs, depending mainly on location (e.g. Glasgow, London etc) or occupation industry (e.g. IT, Accountancy). This recruitment website is also very easy to access. By going to the most popular search engine Google.co.uk and entering the word “job,” we can find fish4jobs.co.uk on the 5th position of the listed websites.  By making the recruitment website so attractive, easy to access and operate, people would be more likely to visit and use this website.

There are many advantages of online recruitment, such as:
-         Most people in today’s society have an internet connection, which is a very useful device. Thanks to internet, online recruitment became easy to access. People can look for jobs via their computers, laptops or mobile phones, instead of going to the job agencies, buying newspapers etc.
-         Online recruitment is not only easy for applicants, but also for companies. It is much easier and quicker to put a job vacancy on their website, than advertising it in a newspaper.
-         Online recruitment is cheap. Putting a job vacancy in the newspaper costs a lot of money, where as putting a job vacancy on its own website is almost free.
-         Websites can offer a larger range of specific jobs. Usually, when people are looking for the job, they are looking for one or two specific types. For example students usually want to work in the pubs or as waiter/waitresses, so they can have different shifts and reconcile work with studying. A newspaper does not guarantee that they will find specific vacancies, while online recruitment websites do. There consist of different jobs in different areas. Through the searching tool, people are able to look for specific jobs in areas of their choice.
-         Online recruitment websites are helpful. Some of them contain many different guides of how to fill in the forms, how to write CVs etc. Also, job vacancy advertisements are on websites 24 hours a day, it lets people rethink their decisions and come back to offers whenever they wish to.

Unfortunately, online recruitment has some drawbacks:

-         The major disadvantage of online recruitment is that it is not or everyone. There are many people who in their entire lives have had nothing to do with devices like computers or laptops. They are usually older people. They prefer more traditional ways of looking for jobs, such as national or local press.
-         Too many candidates. Because, the online recruiting websites became so famous, there are many people using them. They are more likely to apply for more jobs “just in case.” More candidates for one job vacancy mean a smaller chance of getting the job.
-         It can become confusing as traditionally, people would have had only several job vacancies to apply for, and could therefore select a target vacancy more easily. Because the online recruitment websites have hundreds of vcancies, it becomes confusing and hard shortlist ones to apply for.
-         Access to the internet. Not everyone nowadays has access to the internet, meaning that people with perfect skills and potential might be missed due to their lack of ability to apply online.
-         Lack of face-to-face contact. Physical appearance and personality is very important. However, most job applications are analysed electronically by Managers or HR Managers, this means decisions are made prior to a face-to face interview.

Capgemini is one of the biggest consulting companies in the world, leader in provision of integrated consultative and outsourcing services. Capgemini was carrying out a recruitment campaign in Poland, which was directed at students of Cracow’s universities. The purpose of the campaign was to recruit students for exciting and challenging job roles within a large international corporation, whilst also promoting the fact they were a professional and friendly employer.  The campaign really caught my interest, as it was above all directed to people of my age, students and people searching for an interesting job. Posters of the campaign were creative and eye-catching. The website of this recruitment campaign was informative and it contained all of the required information (for example skills required for different job positions, written and oral fluency in English or German, or degree related to the job position). The organisation was also promising many attractive opportunities of personal development like professional training, courses or the possibility of working for Capgemini in different countries.

To summarise, online recruitment is a new way of hiring people and is very important within every organisation. It allows people to search for jobs easily, quickly and comfortably. There are many advantages of online recruitment. However, it is not for everyone. Some people might also find it very frustrating and confusing. Too many job offers do not help people to find the right job vacancy. It makes people rethink, come back to job vacancies several times and sometimes end up with applying for none of them.


-         - Beardwell, I., Holden, L. and Claydon, T. (2004) Human Resource Management: A Contemporary Approach. Forth Edition. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited.
-         Business Dictionary (2011) [Online].Available at: http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/recruitment.html [Accessed: 17th April 2011]
-         Capgemimi (2010) [Online].Available at: http://www.wirtualnemedia.pl/artykul/capgemini-rekrutuje-studentow [Accessed: 17th April 2011]
-         Capgemini (2010) [Online]. Available at: http://www.pl.capgemini.com/ [Accessed: 17th April 2011].
-         Fish4jobs (2011) [Online].Available at: www.fish4jobs.co.uk [Accessed: 17th April]

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